Friday 7 September 2007

Wax on, wax off

I've had such a grand week, even with the teeth and cheek situation. (Visited the dentist today - the inflated cheek is, in fact, an inflated cheek. I blew my nose VERY GENTLY after my post-op lunch of yogurt and apple purée and my right cheek suddenly flooded with something liquidy, to the extent that when I gave it a gentle squeeze, whatever fluid it was came out of my eye. Nice: the mind turns to blood, gunge, apple purée... what's going on in there? Anyway,the rest of the swelling has gone down and I'm feeling very chipper but I was starting to wonder if my cheek might be infected, hence the dentist. Turns out the root of my wisdom tooth had grown into my sinus canal (ooh, nice again) so when I blew my nose, all the air took a short cut through the opening in my sinus and blew up my cheek. I didn't know I had space in my cheek for extra air supplies but, apparently, I do. Just got to wait for it to disperse.)
In the meantime, visits from another two contractors, more progress on the table-windows, might have managed to buy myself a little camera, and definitely managed to buy myself a little gardenia, which is sitting beside me smelling awfully nice.

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