Sunday 20 July 2008

Knitting for stress relief

I guess I could have done "sanding woodwork for stress relief" or "protecting wrought iron with the special cream I bought for stress relief" or "anything basically USEFUL for stress relief", but I've been feeling so anxious about this potential work situation that real, hard-core procrastination was the only thing that would do. So I took a trip to one of my favourite places in all Paris - the Marché Saint-Pierre (the website is worth visiting for the translation alone) - and went yarn shopping.

And then stayed up until 2am this morning trying to work out how to do seed stitch. And yeah, I know it's dead straightforward once you've sussed out that you need to change from knit to purl and back by pulling the yarn through the gap BETWEEN the needles, but that is something NONE of the knitting sites tell you. And by the time you have a durrr moment and work it out for yourself, it's already 11 the next morning and you've probably unpicked everything about, oooh, three times. Sheesh.

Anyway, my wedding washclothes are now ticking along nicely and should help keep me busy when I'm home in Scotland for a couple of weeks from Sunday next (assuming my needles don't get confiscated by the meanies at CDG). I'm also dreaming of granny squares and ripple blankets, because another procrastination project over which I can then procrastinate is probably just exactly what I need at the moment...

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