Sunday 13 April 2008

The hole in the wall...

...just got bigger.
Back in September, I excavated a chunk of my bathroom-kitchen wall. Other than pointing out the hole in the wall to interested visitors, I haven't really thought about it much since then. For some reason, however, the words "dry rot" lodged themselves in my brain last weekend and ended up keeping me awake half the night on Sunday and Monday. I know dry rot smells, and that the absence of a smell meant I was probably in the clear, but I couldn't get past the niggling thought that something dark and dangerous and possibly very expensive was going on behind my bathroom tiles. So I decided to reduce my chances of something rotten by removing at least one potential culprit, namely the rest of the wooden supports.

It was all so rotten I was able to do all this while I was waiting for my washing to go round in the laundrette. The big panel was so flimsily held in place that it just lifted out. All that remains is to get rid of the evidence. It's almost dark enough now for a trip down to the bins...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.