Sunday, 25 May 2008

Art & asparagus

I've had a very chilled weekend with a focus on me. As in treats. For breakfast, I went to the boulangerie for a demi-baguette yesterday (not very glam but oh-so-good with raspberry jam) and for a delicious chausson pomme today, and I also went all-out on dinner. I bought a roast chicken from the butcher last night and ate it with asparagus and mustard, then tonight I had it cold with more asparagus and scrumptious sweet-potato mash and loads of sea salt and black pepper. Still more left for tomorrow night, probably in a risotto with the stock that's simmering away on the stove at the moment.
Apart from a looong walk with S today (a weekend ritual), I've not seen anyone. Instead, I spent last night making this gem:

Too cool, no? I've been eyeing it up for weeks and decided to just BUY the kit yesterday and sod the "oh, but it's a bit silly to spend money on something like that" anxieties. I primed it because I wanted it white and I already had the primer out to do a third shelf for my bedroom and then spent a merry couple of hours trying to put the damn thing together. Not easy. But very engaging.

I spent this afternoon playing with a linocut. Not sure how it'll turn out - I don't have ink at home so I'll have to wait until my next class to print - but it was fun. Off to do some more now.
Oh, and my flowers are growing madly and looking mighty fine. :)

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Busy having fun

It's been a busy few weeks. Lots of work (no surprise there), but also lots of socialising and even a few days away.

Flat-wise, the stripping continues:

Flower-wise, the impatiens in my kitchen window are (I know this sounds uber-cheesy but I'll say it anyway).... delightful. Really:

Friend-wise, I had one of my favourite former colleagues and her equally lovely husband staying for a few days on a quick stopover in Paris between travelling in Asia and hiking across Spain. I so enjoyed hanging out with them, especially as the friend is none other than the Casual Baker and she decided to whip up some delicious strawberry yoghurt muffins one sunny afternoon:

Holiday-wise, I and another friend set off with S&R to join them for the first few days hiking through the Pyrennes. Damn but it was GOOD. The weather was phenomenal, the jinks were high, and the walking was just right: